Celebrating the 100th anniversary of the Frederick County Association of REALTORS®.
1922 - 2022
2022 is a year of celebration at FCAR. We are honoring our members' contributions to the fabric of Frederick County with special interviews, historical refelections, a grand gala, and more.

Premier Event
Saturday, April 30, 2022
April 25-30, 2022
Centennial Mile
Sunday, April 24
Baker Park
Evening on the Creek
Wednesday, April 27
Carroll Creek Promenade
We believe that a century
of service warrants an entire week of celebration. Leading up to the premier event, Jubilee Week will include exclusive events honoring fellow REALTORS®, including an awards cocktail hour and an FCAR past president’s reception.
Our History
The Frederick County Association of REALTORS® was founded in 1922. Steeped with history, Frederick in the 20th century was shifting from an agriculture-based economy toward manufacturing and factory-produced goods. The next 100 years would bring the great depression, WWII, and steady growth of the population and economic base. “Downtown Frederick” grew as a thriving retail base for the area and a diverse landscape of new homeowners who desired to put down roots.
Realtors have always been at the heart of both commercial and residential growth throughout Frederick’s history. During our 100th anniversary, we want to celebrate the contributions of REALTORS® in history and how they have shaped the future of this great community.
Our Partners in Sponsorship
We are grateful for the organizations that have partnered with us in this historic year-long celebration. (listed below) The Platinum Jubilee Gala was also an opportunity to highlight the FCARe Fund, our association's charitable endowment. Established in 2021 with the expertise of the Community Foundation of Frederick County, FCARe raises funds for nonprofits within the Frederick area that provide vital resources to the citizens our members serve.

What is FCARe?
FCARe is an endowment fund supported by FCAR members and their fundraising efforts that gives to local nonprofit organizations to improve the lives of those in the communities where we serve. Click here to learn more.